About this podcast

In the first episode of the podcast series ‘Taste you can hear’, Robert Strik and his table companions talk about their plans to create podcasts for listeners who are keen to lift the lid on the secrets behind taste. They chat with people who have dedicated their lives to developing, producing, and processing flavourings. From popular bar snacks to vanilla, from North Holland to Tanzania. Tune in to hear more about the upcoming episodes in this podcast series, as told by these flavour fanatics.

Robert Strik
Passion for taste has a name, and that name is Robert Strik. His discoveries in the field of taste experience are legendary, with forty years of pioneering work in the food industry to prove it. His wealth of experience and boundless flow of taste and flavour ideas form the base stock of this podcast series.

The Taste Podcast - English
The Taste Podcast - English
Tune into the taste